Sunday 21 October 2012

Crimethink in the London underground

A London judge this week sentenced 42-year-old Jacqueline Woodhouse to 41 weeks in jail. Her crime? An expletive-laden rant about immigration, multiculturalism and the disappearance of British civilization. Not in so many words. But that was the  unmistakable gist of Woodhouse’s commentary one January night on the London Underground.
This same week, another London judge ordered two black girls, 18 and 19, to perform community service after a savage physical attack on two white legal secretaries. “I am satisfied what you both did you did that night because you were fueled by alcohol,” Judge Stephen Kramer said, as though tut-tutting a child’s unknowing apple theft.
A few months ago, another London judge freed four Somali Muslim women who set upon a white couple, yelling, “Kill the white slag,” and other racial slurs. The gang beat the woman to the ground and ripped out a patch of her hair. Judge Robert Brown was lenient because, he ruled, as Muslims, the women were not used to being drunk.
Jacqueline Woodhouse was drunk, too, but that was no mitigating factor in her case. She harmed no one, but that was no mitigating factor, either. Judge Michael Snow invoked the “deep sense of shame” Woodhouse’s display elicited, because “our citizens … may, as a consequence, believe that it secretly represents the views of other white people.”
“Thoughtcrime is death,” as Orwell wrote in 1984.
And, thanks to YouTube, it becomes a continuous spectacle. Woodhouse’s court-deemed “victim,” Galbant Singh Juttla, recorded and uploaded her display. After the six-minute clip went viral, Woodhouse turned herself in to police.
But what might she have confessed to? I did it, mates. I said: “I used to live in England. Now I live in the United Nations.”
That’ll be 41 weeks in the clink?
Woodhouse said a lot of other things as she surveyed her fellow passengers, her squawky voice weirdly reminiscent of an Eliza Doolittle grown old without having met her Henry Higgins. “All bleeping foreign bleeping bleeps,” she says. “Where do you come from? Where do you come from? Where do you come from?” She estimated that 30 percent of the train’s passengers were illegal.
Off with her head.
Expletives fly regarding England (“this bleeping country is a bleeping joke”), Pakistanis, illegals, pigs.
“I wouldn’t mind if you loved our country,” she said, lucid, to a Pakistani beside her.
“Long live Pakistan,” he said twice in Urdu, later leading a chorus of the Pakistani national anthem.
Woodhouse then notices her “victim” recording her. “Oh, look, he’s filming,” she says. “Hello, government.” She leans into the camera.
“Why don’t you tell us your name, as well?” Juttla the “victim” says.
“Why don’t you tell me where you’re from?” she says.
“I’m British, I’m British, yeah? I’m British,” he tells her.
“Right. OK,” she says.
“So, what’s your problem?” he says.
“Oh, what’s your problem?” she says.
“Yeah, you should watch what you say.”
“Watch what I say?”
Forty-one weeks in jail, folks.
“Why,” Woodhouse quite rationally asks, “am I not allowed to express my opinions?”
“We don’t want to hear your opinions,” Juttla replies.
This tears it. “Why is it all right for you but not all right for me?” She’s shrieking now, her voice cutting the air like a ragged-edged razor.
There is background laughter, but nothing is funny. For a few, farcical minutes, a nation’s tragedy, its unmarked passing, has taken the spotlight, the lead role played by a drunken secretary because there is no one else.
 “Just keep your mouth shut,” Juttla says for the umpteenth time.
 “I’m sorry,” she says. “Not one rule for you and one rule for me.”
Oh yes, Jacqueline. One rule for indigenous islanders.
One rule for everyone else.
Yesterday one hundred and fifty thousand people marched through London in protest of Austerity, but if people were called upon to come out in protest of a women getting jailed for 41 weeks for talking about multiculturalism, while two black girls beat up two white women and get off with it, she would be lucky if ten people turned up.
It's as though 99% of the white British people have past caring anymore. It's the same with Halal meat, we are supposed to be a animal loving country,but try getting people to come out and protest against the barbaric slaughter of animals which is done by Muslims, and just a handful of people will turn up. The EDL are no different, they go from town to town shouting with a stutter E E Edl, all 2000 of them, and then return home, how pointless the EDL are. What point are two thousand people going to make. To make any impression you need 20 to 30 thousand people turning up, two thousand is a drop in the ocean, and no one will take any notice of them.
Great Britain is sinking fast, our own law system is turning against our very own white people, in favour of Muslims and Blacks. If a white person dares to speak out against immigration, they are took before the courts and sent down, but if Muslims or blacks, beat up any white person, they are let off from going to jail, and told not to do it again. And we sit back and let this happen.
Unless we start to make a stand and defend our own people and our own country, then soon we have have no country to defend. A hand full of people turning out to protest for anything, makes no difference what so ever, we must turn out in our thousands, or we are just wasting our time.

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