Monday, 30 July 2012
Multicultural subversive lies.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion about the Olympics and the opening ceremony, personally I think it was nothing more than Multicultural subversive lies. Trying to portray that Britain has always been Multicultural, and that we had Blacks and Asians in top hats during the Industrial Revolution. Just who are they trying to kid, it was Historical nonsense. Then came the 'wind rush' and the influx of Immigrants from the West Indies, only a Marxist anti white system would revel in showing this above true British achievements. Why didn't they show the areas of Britain now colonised by the third world? How immigration has changed the face of Britain forever, or how traitors in the Houses of Treason deliberately opened our borders to serve a globalist anti white European agenda. Britain is in the grips of ultra left wing traitors, they even had the suffragettes in there just to please the Feminists, now I believe women should have the right to vote and take part in sports have an education etc but we all know where feminism originates from. Then came Dizzee Rascal if that's how its even spelt, a ridiculous name for a ridiculous portrayal of our Britain, is that what we have become? A Nation of weak liberal self hating fools who put these people on a pedestal, and for what to serve an agenda and show the world how great this enforced 'Multicultural' Nation of ours really is. It isn't that great anymore, come and ask the real people about what Britain has become, what scum govern us, what agenda is behind the demise of the true Britain. Our troops are sent to wars to fight for other Nations interests by these scum politicians without even the basic kit yet they find billions upon billions for their Multicultural Roadshow. They are a disgrace to the British Isles. Then we had Doreen Lawrence, the mother of Stephen Lawrence carrying the Olympic flag into the Stadium, again I do not care what any left wing idiot says but that was pure Cultural Marxism at play. Where was Kris Donalds mum? Or any recognition of the murders and crimes against Whites? There was none, and it would never have even been considered. Britain has been portrayed as a Nation which has always been Multicultural, were everybody lives in peace, that the majority embrace it, and those who don't are 'White Racists'. The truth is very different no matter how much spin you throw at a worldwide audience. Lastly we have the Tory MP who again like the Greek athlete gave an opinion and the vultures have descended, Multicultural crap he called it, but Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies. I'm not anti Olympics, I enjoy watching the sports. I am though anti this establishment and their lies and treachery and arrogance, and what they have done to Britain. They don't represent my Britain, they didn't portray our Britain they portrayed their Britain, the Britain the Marxists have created, all they have ever done is betray our Britain. Britannia ruled the waves once.
UK terrorist threat level raised to 'severe
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The UK terror threat level is being raised from "substantial" to "severe", Home Secretary Alan Johnson has said.
The new alert level means a terrorist attack is considered "highly likely". It had stood at substantial since July.
Mr Johnson refused to say it was linked to the failed Detroit airliner bombing, and said the government would not reveal specific intelligence details.
The home secretary stressed there was no intelligence to suggest a terrorist attack was imminent.
'Real threat'
The decision to raise the threat level was made by the UK's Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC).
Mr Johnson said JTAC kept the threat level under constant review, making its judgments based on a broad range of factors including the intent and capabilities of international terrorist groups in the UK and overseas.
He said: "We still face a real and serious threat to the UK from international terrorism, so I would urge the public to remain vigilant and carry on reporting suspicious events to the appropriate authorities and to support the police and security services in their continuing efforts to discover, track and disrupt terrorist activity."
The home secretary said the new level meant people needed to be "more aware".
He said the decision to raise the threat level was not specifically linked to the failed Christmas Day bomb attack on a plane bound for Detroit or to any other incident, he said.
Mr Johnson said: "We never say what the intelligence is and it would be pretty daft of us to do that."
He added: "It shouldn't be thought to be linked to Detroit or anywhere else for that matter."
But the UK had not reached the highest threat level of "critical", which would mean an attack was imminent.
Mr Johnson said: "We have a very adept and very focused counter-terrorism facility in this country, which consists of many police officers as well as security officers, so the public should be reassured by that."
'More vigilant'
Lord Carlile, the government's independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said the change was designed to make the public more aware, not to scare people.
He said: "The government has quite rightly decided that if you don't tell the public to be vigilant, they're not going to be vigilant.
Interesting how this government has always increased the threat level as we approach events like general elections or votes on going to war.
Colin Craig, Stratford
"The message from the current change of assessment is not that we should be more afraid, but that we should be a little bit more vigilant than we have been.
"It is crucial that the public report to the police anything suspicious they see."
But the chairman of the home affairs sub-committee on counter-terrorism, the Conservative MP Patrick Mercer, criticised Mr Johnson's decision not to tell the public why the threat level had been increased.
Mr Mercer said: "Key targets - the energy sector, the transport sector - who are told individually what is going on and have accessto a certain amount of intelligence, it will be helpful for them.
"It would be so much more helpful, though, if only the public knew what it meant. At the moment it is merely vacuous."
Security plan
The US Department of Homeland Security said the move meant the UK would be on a similar level of alert to America.
In a statement it said: "The UK is raising their measures to effectively where we are with the airport security measures that we have taken and announced over the last few weeks.
"We have enhanced our security measures and communicated specific information to industry, law enforcement and the American people."
Mike Granatt, a former head of the Civil Contingencies Secretariat in the Cabinet Office, said the move would have an effect both on the public and behind the scenes.
"The main reason for alert states is to warn people who have a specific task that they ought to do something differently, they ought to be taking more steps or they ought to move to a different phase of the security plan," he said.
"It also raises awareness among the public to keep their eyes open, and one shouldn't forget that the millions of pairs of eyes of the public are an extremely useful weapon in the fight against terrorism."
BBC home affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford said the perceived threat from Yemen since the Christmas Day attempted attack may be one factor behind the decision to raise the threat level.
But he added there might be additional factors which have not been revealed by the government.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced on Wednesday that direct flights between Yemen and the UK were to be suspended over fears about their safety.
The change in threat level comes days ahead of two major international conferences, on Yemen and Afghanistan, in London on Wednesday and Thursday.
There are five levels of terror threat, ranging from low - meaning an attack is unlikely - to critical, when an attack is expected imminently. Severe is the second-highest level on the scale.
The threat level was first made public on 1 August 2006, when it was set at severe.
It was raised to critical on 10 August that year after a series of arrests over an alleged plot to blow up transatlantic aircraft but lowered to severe again the following week.
The threat level was last at critical in June 2007, following the attack on Glasgow Airport and the failed car bombings in central London.
Mais Non, Mam’selle Baghead!!
The Enemy Within
The arrogance of the alien element in France is as bad as in other civilised countries that have been unwise enough to admit them. It’s high time a more forceful stance was adopted. If they won’t adapt to acceptable western standards, put them out, and let them find some cess-pool more suited to their primitive ways.
What’s just happened is described in both France24 and the British Telegraph.
The officers ordered the 18-year-old, called Marie-Louise, to produce her identity card around midnight outside a mosque in the southern city of Marseilles, which has a large Muslim population.
She was wearing the niqab that leaves all but the eyes covered in contravention of a 2010 law banning wearing any face-covering veil in public.
The woman refused, saying: “I don’t obey the laws of the French Republic!” and allegedly bit one of the officers.
Nor is it just the rare bigot bag-head we’re dealing with.
Scuffles then broke out with around 50 people present including the woman’s partner. Three officers were slightly injured.
Reinforcements arrived and four people, including the woman and her partner, were arrested and taken to a police station. But they were released shortly afterwards “in a gesture of appeasement during Ramadan”, according to the public prosecutor.
Now THAT is just nauseating. These swine interpret any softly-softly nonsense like the above as weakness, and will repeat their offensive conduct, as will many more who caught the news.
The officers involved, however, now face an administrative inquiry after people present during the incident complained they had used “illegal force”.
So the cops get it in the neck, while the anti-social primtives go Scot-free! There ought to be more force used in these situations, not less. As indeed the cops’ representatives understand.
Police unions were furious. “Nobody can understand how police officers can be attacked…and in the end the people arrested are released before the officers themselves,” said David-Olivier Reverdy, of the local Alliance union….Yannick of the Unité SGP-Police union, said: “In short, you can make police checks but don’t make waves, otherwise you’ll carry the can. It all smacks of hypocrisy and doesn’t make police work in the field any easier.”
An investigation into the incident is indeed required, but with a view to firing that pusillanimous prosecutor. France, and the rest of Christendom, should be out to clean out the enemy within, not pander to them.
Happily, there are French politicians who agree!
Marseille’s deputy mayor Nora Présozi, supported the police, saying: “If we want to avoid an explosive situation, the police must imperatively enforce the law. Many women wearing the burka are looking for confrontation with the police. By doing so, they are conveying a poor image of Islam.”
You can say that again! Representative bodies of that minority ought to be making declarations in support of the law, and of the police who enforce it. In the absence of such a declaration, they and those they represent are overtly placing themsleves on the side of that uppity bint, with her brazen assertion of disloyalty. “I don’t obey the laws of the French Republic!”
But so far, the opposite seems the case.
But Muslim website aijib.fr claimed the officers were being over zealous as an interior ministry circular advises police not to intervene in or around “places of worship”.
Well, thanks to the sectarian website for letting us know of that circular! More proof of appeasement in high places!
=================and the UK Telegraph added more useful quotes from some of the above.
David-Olivier Reverdy, head of the Alliance police union. “We are absolutely astonished.” He told FRANCE 24 the prosecutor’s decision would have “heavy consequences” in a city where “gun crime and ultra-violence is common” and where relations between city residents and local law enforcement are “particularly tense…”
Particularly worrying for law enforcement authorities has been the proliferation of firearms which has given Marseille the dubious distinction of being the Kalashnikov capital of France.
The police have been fighting back, and in the first five months of 2012 seized 261 firearms in the city, compared to a total of 309 for the whole of 2011….
“It is the law of the Republic [that ID checks are made on people wearing veils] and whether we like it or not we have to be seen to be enforcing it,” he said. Reverdy’s feelings were backed up by Marseille’s deputy mayor Nora Présozi.
“If we want to avoid an explosive situation the police must be allowed to apply the law,” she told weekly news magazine Le Point. “Every citizen is obliged to submit to identity checks when required, as was the case in this disgraceful incident.”
BRITISH Muslim extremists are infiltrating the uprising in Syria with gunmen drawn from London and Birmingham, it emerged yesterday.
The revelation came after British journalist John Cantlie was released by members of the Free Syrian Army after being kidnapped by “foreign jihadists” in Syria earlier this month.
Mr Cantlie was blindfolded and repeatedly threatened with death by a group whose members had distinctive Birmingham and South London accents.
The disclosures were made by Dutch journalist Jeroen Oerlemans who was kidnapped with Mr Cantlie.
He said no Syrians were involved in their abduction.
The country’s second city Aleppo was pounded with shelling yesterday as government forces loyal to President Bashar Assad battled to regain control.
With helicopter gunships hovering overhead and the thud of artillery booming across neighbourhoods, Syrian state television said soldiers were repelling “terrorists” and had captured several of their leaders.
It also claimed that government forces had now claimed “victory” in Damascus after weeks of fighting in the capital.
The head of opposition group Syria National Council has made a desperate appeal to the outside world for help.
Abdulbaset Sayda, speaking in Abu Dhabi, said: “We want weapons that will stop tanks and jet fighters.
“That is what we want.”
Thursday, 26 July 2012
It is time to kick Islam and all of its followers out of Britain. They serve no purpose other than to push Islam. They have no allegiance to Britain or its Code of Laws.
It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt. – Shah Wali-Allah (d. 1762), The Legacy of Jihad, Andrew G. Bostom, MD.
I am sick and tired of dhimmi liberal traitors lying to the media and the public about the true nature of Islam. It is not a religion of peace, it is an ideology of death and enslavement. Its followers view all non-Muslims as inferior, their cultures disgusting and their non-Islamic nations as cancers where Sharia Law is the only cure.
What does Islam actually bring to Britain, apart from division, ghettos, drains on taxes and resources? Why would Britain need Islam? What positive things does it bring that British people do not already have?
What is happening in Britain now is similar to what their raping, murdering, child molesting, lying, selfish, fascist ‘prophet’ did at the beginning of this disgusting religion of hate. To gain followers, Muhammad wrote Surahs preaching the tolerance and acceptance of other people and religions.
When he acquired riches and power (through violence and lies) he then changed his tune. No longer was it the case of infidels or kafirs being tolerated, it was now an ultimatum of three options. (These are the three options Islam gives you).
1. Convert to Islam.
2. Submit as an inferior citizen (dhimmi) and pay the non-Muslim tax, the Jizya.
3. Be killed.
2. Submit as an inferior citizen (dhimmi) and pay the non-Muslim tax, the Jizya.
3. Be killed.
As The Opinionator points out in THE EU ABETTED ISLAMIZATION OF EUROPE ACCELERATES, the EU is forcing everyone within its dictatorship to accept Islam. This is also an extension of the Barcelona Declaration.
Anyone who has actually researched Islam and the Quran will know that the goal of Islam is to bring the world into the house of Allah. That includes Britain, and, while living in taxpayer funded accomodation and spending your taxes on themselves, they scheme and plot against this nation.
Today, while walking through a street in London, I came across a poster on a bus stop, calling for the conversion of Britain to an Islamic state. I was going to tear them off, but I thought it would be a more effective message if I defaced them. One already had the word ‘bollocks’ written over it which brought a smile to my face. Here it is from the location;
You can view a large version of this here. It originally appears on their Islam4uk website. View both sides (front and back) here. It will however post a quote from it as it sums up Islam.
One day the Islamic flag will fly over Downing Street! – Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed
As far as the ‘Islam condemns violence’ line is concerned, that regards violence against innocent people. But Islam views all non-Muslims as guilty of not being Islamic, as this BBC interview will highlight;
Regarding the religion of peace lie, that is only applicable to Muslims. It is peaceful if you are an Islamic state. All non-Islamic states must be conquered. Regarding acts of violence in the name of their religion, read this;
Still, our unelected rulers will believe Islam should be forced upon democratic nations, whether their people like it or not. BRITAIN MUST BE NICER TO MUSLIMS, SAYS UN ‘HUMAN RIGHTS’ CHIEFS. Maybe they should read the Quran. As far as I’m concerned, Islam should be legally positioned as a subversive ideology, easily proven to be in violation of British law and the very essence of individual freedom.
Britain will never become an Islamic dictatorship. The treasonous government, being completely controlled by the Communist EU is actively pushing for the suppression of all dissent and questioning of Islam under the guise of ‘Islamophobia’. It is time the British stopped being afraid of speaking the truth. If you continue to blindly comply with the state it will definitely result in the downfall of Britain.
Note that it is the goal of all Muslim males to try and live their lives in the image of their prophet, so if you are curious as to how he did things, read this;
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
IRAQ: Al-Qaeda ‘celebrates’ Ramadan with ‘blessed foray’ of new violence
The ‘Islamic State of Iraq,’ an Al-Qaeda affiliate, said it is honoring the month of Ramadan with a new blessed foray of violence in the country, claiming responsibility for Monday’s attacks that killed at least 116 and wounded at least 300.
Muslims have such a unique way of celebrating their holiest of days. And unlike the rest of the civilized world, they have to shove their filthy traditions in our faces 30 days at a time.
Ramadan Bombathon
2012 Scorecard
Day 6
In the name of
The Religion
of Peace
Terror Attacks
Dead Bodies
Not all attacks are immediately listed on TROP
Day 6
In the name of
The Religion of Peace |
“Anti-Muslim” Right-Wingers | |
Terror Attacks |
Dead Bodies |
IB TIMES “The Ministry of War has mobilized its sons and mujahideen brigades and their military groups in a new blessed foray in the holy month of Ramadan,” said the ISI statement that was initially posted on an Islamist website and translated by Reuters.
Meanwhile, Syrians, as well as Iraqis who had fled their country during the height of violence in Iraq in 2006, are now fleeing into makeshift refugee camps on the Iraqi side of the border.
Al-Qaeda militants, who identify as Sunni, struck the predominantly Kurdish cities of Kirkuk and Mosul to the north, the village of Taji, and a Shi’ite district in Baghdad on Monday. In all, 35 attacks — shootings, car and roadside bombs and in-the-street assassinations — took place in seven of the 18 Iraqi provinces.
Kurds are viewed by Sunni Islamist militants as pro-Western and largely secular. Tensions among lawmakers from the two Muslim branches and Kurdish delegates have intensified in the country’s legislature in recent months.
Shi’ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has been unable to solidify a government. Key cabinet chairs remain empty and support for the leader is waning.
“They promised us that violence would end when American troops leave Iraq, but on the contrary, things are getting worse,” college student Khalid Nima told CNN on Monday. “This is not the country where I want to plan for my future.”
The previous deadliest day of the year in Iraq occurred on June 13, when 93 people were killed in a similar string of violence. June was the bloodiest month in Iraq since the U.S. full withdrawal in October 2011; at least 237 people were killed and another 603 were wounded.
The specter of Al-Qaeda escalating attacks in Iraq comes as the civil war in neighboring Syria is also intensifying. While the Free Syria Army, or FSA, is taking center stage as the primary rebel force, Al-Qaeda and other Islamist militants in Syria are trying to fight against Bashar al Assad’s Ba’athist government to form an Islamic state.
“We have experience now fighting the Americans, and more experience now with the Syrian revolution,” Abu Thuha, a 56-year-old Al-Qaeda operative told the New York Times in a story published Wednesday about growing concerns that Islamist militant groups are attempting to hijack and broaden Syria’s civil war.
UK’s The Sun uncovers Pakistani passport/visa scam to get terrorists into London Olympics
A passport/visa scam giving potential terrorists the chance to sneak into Britain with Pakistan’s Olympic team has been smashed by The Sun. The paper claims it infiltrated a crime ring offering false passports, visas, as well as access to Olympics as bogus support staff.
We infiltrated a crime ring offering false passports, visas — and access to London 2012 as bogus support staff. We uncovered a ring of corrupt Pakistani officials and travel staff conspiring with a prominent politician to bypass stringent security.
First they provided our undercover investigator with a genuine Pakistani passport in a false name. Then leading Lahore politician Abid Chodhary spelled out how for around £7,000 he could get our man a two-month visa — and smuggle him into London 2012 as part of Pakistan’s Olympic squad.
The Sun secretly filmed Mr Chodhary as he explained how easy it was to get into the Olympic Village by masquerading as a member of the athletes’ support team. We were told we could even take part in Friday’s opening ceremony.
At no point did any of the corrupt officials question our reason for wanting to sneak into Britain. An investigation was under way yesterday after we alerted MI6, the Home Office, the UK Border Agency and the British High Commission in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad.
One intelligence operative said: “The Sun has unearthed a sophisticated network of corruption. The idea of unknown agents being flown in to the UK to be a sophisticated network of corruption. The idea of unknown agents being flown in to the UK to be put up in the Olympic Village beggars belief.
“Terrorists would have the biggest platform to perform their atrocities. A member of al-Qaeda could fly to the UK on a genuine passport in another name and the authorities would be none the wiser.
We approached one of its staff and a meeting was arranged in Lahore with a fixer called Bobby. Bobby bragged that for £600 in Pakistani rupees he could get us dodgy travel documents.
The next day he took our man to the National Database Registration Authority — Pakistan’s passport agency — in a Lahore suburb.
Bobby explained a scan of the database had identified a Pakistani — of a similar age to The Sun’s man — who had either died or his passport and ID card had expired. Our man’s photograph and fingerprints were taken. His new identity would be in the name of Muhammad Ali, born November 8, 1977.
As The Sun’s undercover man was led from desk to desk in two separate passport and ID card offices it became clear up to 12 people were in on the scam at this single centre.
Mr Chodhary confirmed it would be easy for our man to slip into the UK by posing as an Olympic support staff member.
He said it would cost 150,000 rupees — just over £1,000 — for an official letter saying we were part of the squad. And the total cost of the letter and a visa for two months would be a million rupees — close to £7,000.
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