Monday 30 July 2012

Mais Non, Mam’selle Baghead!!

The Enemy Within


The arrogance of the alien element in France is as bad as in other civilised countries that have been unwise enough to admit them. It’s high time a more forceful stance was adopted. If they won’t adapt to acceptable western standards, put them out, and let them find some cess-pool more suited to their primitive ways.
What’s just happened is described in both France24 and the British Telegraph.
The officers ordered the 18-year-old, called Marie-Louise, to produce her   identity card around midnight outside a mosque in the southern city of Marseilles, which has a large Muslim population.
She was wearing the niqab that leaves all but the eyes covered in   contravention of a 2010 law banning wearing any face-covering veil in public.
What happened next shows the urgent need for large-scale deportation of undesirables.
The woman refused, saying: “I don’t obey the laws of the French Republic!”   and allegedly bit one of the officers.
Nor is it just the rare bigot bag-head we’re dealing with.
Scuffles then broke out with around  50 people present including the woman’s partner. Three officers were slightly  injured.
Reinforcements arrived and four people, including the woman and her partner, were arrested and taken to a police station. But they were released shortly  afterwards “in a gesture of appeasement during Ramadan”, according to the public prosecutor.
Now THAT is just nauseating. These swine interpret any softly-softly nonsense like the above as weakness, and will repeat their offensive conduct, as will many more who caught the news.
The officers involved, however, now face an administrative inquiry after   people present during the incident complained they had used “illegal  force”.
So the cops get it in the neck, while the anti-social primtives go Scot-free! There ought to be more force used in these situations, not less. As indeed the cops’ representatives understand.
Police unions were furious. “Nobody can understand how police officers can be attacked…and in the end the people arrested are released before the officers themselves,” said David-Olivier Reverdy, of the local Alliance   union….Yannick of the Unité SGP-Police union, said: “In short, you can make police checks but don’t make waves, otherwise   you’ll carry the can. It all smacks of hypocrisy and doesn’t make police   work in the field any easier.”
An investigation into the incident is indeed required, but with a view to firing that pusillanimous prosecutor. France, and the rest of Christendom, should be out to clean out the enemy within, not pander to them.
Happily, there are French politicians who agree!
Marseille’s deputy mayor Nora Présozi, supported the police, saying: “If we want to avoid an explosive situation, the police must imperatively enforce the law. Many women wearing the burka are looking for confrontation with the police. By doing so, they are conveying a poor image of Islam.”
You can say that again! Representative bodies of that minority ought to be making declarations in support of the law, and of the police who enforce it. In the absence of such a declaration, they and those they represent are overtly placing themsleves on the side of that uppity bint, with her brazen assertion of disloyalty. “I don’t obey the laws of the French Republic!”
But so far, the opposite seems the case.
But Muslim website aijib.fr claimed the officers were being over zealous as an interior ministry circular advises police not to intervene in or around “places   of worship”.
Well, thanks to the sectarian website for letting us know of that circular! More proof of appeasement in high places!
=================and the UK Telegraph added more useful quotes from some of the above.
 David-Olivier Reverdy, head of the Alliance police union. “We are absolutely astonished.” He told FRANCE 24 the prosecutor’s decision would have “heavy consequences” in a city where “gun crime and ultra-violence is common” and where relations between city residents and local law enforcement are “particularly tense…”
Particularly worrying for law enforcement authorities has been the proliferation of firearms which has given Marseille the dubious distinction of being the Kalashnikov capital of France.
The police have been fighting back, and in the first five months of 2012 seized 261 firearms in the city, compared to a total of 309 for the whole of 2011….
“It is the law of the Republic [that ID checks are made on people wearing veils] and whether we like it or not we have to be seen to be enforcing it,” he said. Reverdy’s feelings were backed up by Marseille’s deputy mayor Nora Présozi.
“If we want to avoid an explosive situation the police must be allowed to apply the law,” she told weekly news magazine Le Point. “Every citizen is obliged to submit to identity checks when required, as was the case in this disgraceful incident.”

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