Wednesday 1 August 2012

George Lincoln Rockwell.

George Lincoln Rockwell Brown university pt 1

Thank you very much, (unintelligible). Let me start off this speech by saying that I am very, very grateful, and deeply moved, to be addressing my old university after five years of speaking at colleges all over the country, and very grateful for the opportunity afforded to me by the academic community, it is the last, as far as I'm concerned, the last vestige of free speech left in our country. Sorry to say it's usually accorded to me by liberals, conservatives are usually too chicken to let me speak, and want to I again say how grateful I am regardless of the politics of the Open Mind Club, I am most grateful to them for the fight they put up to see that there is not only free speech for communists but also that there is free speech for anti-Communists. [clapping]

I would like to also say that I am not here to abuse that privilege, I am not going to insult anybody or use any racial epithets or that sort of thing. When I operate in the streets I am not ashamed to say that I agitate, my opponents, they certainly agitate, they use every possible method of agitation, and in the street that's often the only way you can gain public attention and I do it all the time and go to jail for it. I am not here to agitate. You see no uniforms, there is no party buttons, there will be no attempt in any way to agitate, I am here to present to the best of my ability facts and ideas, which changed me from an ordinary student at Brown University, as many of you are, to the point where I am proud to stand before you as a National Socialist. And I'm going to try to give you some insight tonight into the facts which came to my attention, which I believe you've been denied, which caused me to make that change. All I can do, ladies and gentlemen, is to present to you a few, a very few samples of what I consider to be shocking facts, and ask you to do what I had to do after I found out these things and go check them out for yourselves.

Now I understand, unlike any other speech that I've made around the country, and I make them every day, all over America and around Canada, I have a paragraph here from this mornings paper, says 'an ad hoc committee formed to educate the student body and the public at large about Rockwell's group, has been working ALL WEEK to nullify anything in advance the effect of anything Rockwell has to say.' Now, ladies and gentlemen, there is a concept known as prejudging things, when you judge something in advance before you'd heard or seen it, and it's called prejudice, and anybody who has walked into this hall [crowd laughs and claps, some boo] anybody who has walked into this hall and prejudged my speech on the basis of this weeks work of my opponents, who haven't got the guts to face me, they will never debate me, I have asked and asked and asked if they will, in a formal manner, stand up and debate me, and I will hereby again, if in an orderly manner at any time I will be reinvited here I will debate the head of the ADL, I will debate the B'nai Brith, the Halel Foundation, or anybody else who wants to stand up and challenge the facts that I'll present but they'll never do it, they talk behind my back and what a rat I am and show you movies and so forth, propaganda, they will not debate the facts. This is an unusual circumstance, it's always done at most colleges, I've never seen anybody spend a whole week trying to ruin what I can do with fifty minutes, and I think I'm gonna cream them anyway. [Mixed laughter and booing]

Now let me start of my regular presentation by saying this to you, ladies and gentlemen: to the best of my knowledge you've had at least three communists speak here at Brown University and at Pembroke in fact one of them, I think Mr. Jackson had tea with the girls here at Pembroke. I wonder - [laughter] He did and I think it was two years ago, he not only spoke but they had a tea for him. I wonder how many of the jews who have been raising the devil about me speaking here raised any fuss at all about this communist not only speaking but having tea with our Pembroke girls. I have never heard about any jew fussing about any communist coming to speak, the only time they fuss is when an anti-Communist comes to speak.

Now I'll present that for your own judgment, you look back and see if you remember any fuss, any $700 worth of policemen necessary to protect any communist speaker. I haven't heard of it. Now the reason for it, ladies and gentlemen, is because the jews do not want certain facts to come to your attention. I maintain your not only the victims of what they call managed news, your the victims of suppressed news. News that you are not allowed to hear. I didn't hear it. When I was sitting out there where you are- in fact the last time I was at Alumni Hall, come to think of it, I wasn't sitting I was hanging onto a girl about half stewed at a dance. [Laughter] In the times when I used to be sitting out there as a member of the Brown audience and they told me about Adolf Hitler and that he was out to conquer my country, I didn't just think about it or talk about it, I did something about it, I enlisted as a sailor in the United States Navy to go fight him, because I believed all that I had been told, and I found out that I was told a lot of lies, and I'm going to present some of them to you tonight.

Now what I maintain, ladies and gentlemen, the whole thrust of my speech tonight will be that you cannot have an educated opinion, you cannot mange the affairs of a so called Democracy unless you are given all the facts. If you are denied some of the facts, or if the facts are twisted and misrepresented, then you cannot possibly guide the ship of state, any more than a navigator could guide a ship if you deprived him the information of his Latitude and Longitude, the speed of the ship and so forth. You have got to let people know the facts of the matter before they can judge correctly, and I maintain that most people who are liberals, and I have found that they are sincere, dedicated and sincere people are liberals and most of them in the academic community are liberals, the reason is that the facts that they are given leaves them no choice. Now the reason for it, ladies and gentlemen, I maintain as I've said is that you are deprived of facts. Your minds work in many ways like a computer. You are not exactly like a computer but your minds work like a computer in this respect: If you feed into a computer false information you know that you are not going to get good solutions out. If you feed lies into a computer you're going to get lies and false information out. If you neglect to put information into a computer, you can't get valid answers. Your minds work the same way. If they have some way of keeping from you knowledge that you must know, you cannot make valid discussions.

Now I've said I cannot present all of the facts that changed me to the point where I am leading a Nazi movement around the world, I can present a few of the most shocking. And it is my hope, and it's been my experience throughout the country as I've spoken, in spite of all the prejudging, in spite of all the education as they call it before I speak, when I show you some of these facts, I think that you will have the same experience have had at other colleges, some of you will have the guts and integrity to go at least and check, and find out whether these things exist, whether they are what I say they are, and if they are you will begin to change your judgment. Now before I present my first document let me say this: I invariably run into the business they say 'Oh, well Rockwell's just waving a piece of paper up there, how do we know what it says on it or if he's taking it out of context?' Well, first, let me say this to you, every document that I am going to present to you, you can get from me for free, for nothing. All the address you need is George Lincoln Rockwell, Arlington Virginia, and I will send you the whole document, not the part I'm going to read, because I can't read all of the documents, all of the whole of them, I will read portions of them and you can send for and get the entire document. Before I made this speech I was required to submit the documents to the committee, they've seen them all. And I assure you that on the level I'll go further, if anybody, Jewish War Veteran or anybody else here can prove that I am lying about any of these documents, tht\at they don't exist, they're phony documents, I will go to work for Harry Golden and Martin Luther King for nothing, the NAACP. [Laughter, clapping]

Now, ladies and gentlemen, the first document I want to show you is by a man of unimpeachable credentials, a man I'm sure you cannot say is a bigot or a hatemonger or if there's anything wrong with him, a man that you cannot find fault with, and I think what he says you will find extremely shocking. This document right here, it's reduced, it's a full page newspaper article, the author of it is Winston Churchill, his picture is on it. I wonder if there's some people booing or hissing for Winston Churchill, that's a new one on me. Winston Churchill is the author of this article, I will give you the date, I got it out of the Library of Congress, February 8 1920 Illustrated London Sunday Herald. The Library of Congress made the copy from which I reproduced this copy here, it's called Zionism Vs Bolshevism, a Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People. And Winston Churchill says in this article the Jews are being torn, half of them want to be Zionists and half of them want to be Communists. And he suggests they should all be Zionists. But he does say something that I want you to listen to, he discusses the Russian Revolution.

Now let me read you a paragraph in which Winston Churchill, in which he's first discussing the Zionists, now he's gonna take up the Communists and the Jews and here's what he says: "International Jewry, a violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort, rides the schemes of the international Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men made up among the unhappy populations of where they, the Jew, are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all of them, have forsaken the faith of their forefathers and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes for the next world. This movement," talking about Communism, "This movement among the Jews is not new, from the days of Spartacus Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx-" And he was, parenthetically, Karl Marx, of course, was Jewish. "To those of Karl Marx and down to Trotsky-" and I think very few of you know that Trotsky's real Name was Bronstien, Leon Bronstien, not Trotsky. "to Trotsky in Russia, Bela Kuhn in Hungary, Rosa Lutzenberg in Germany and Emma Goldman in the United States, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality has been steadily growing. It played, as the modern writer Mrs. Webster has so ably shown as an indefinitively recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the main spring of every subversive movement in the 19th century." Now listen to this, ladies and gentlemen, this is Winston Churchill telling you about the Russian Revolution, "and now, at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America, have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of this enormous empire."

Now, you Jewish War Veterans, you just prove that Churchill didn't say that or you just prove that I misread it or you just prove that the Russian Revolution wasn't Russian - or rather that it wasn't Jewish, that it was Russian and I'll quit. What I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, is that you have not been told in your history classes that the Russian Revolution wasn't Russian, it was the capture of Russia by the Jews. That's the truth. (in the audience, someone yells something) Now you call me any name you want, if Winston Churchill said this (same person yells something) and if it's true, then you must ask yourself how come you haven't been told this, why are you not allowed to know this? (same interruption)

Now yelling and hollering, I go through this all the time, nobodies gonna shut me up by yelling or it would have been done long ago. I'm just telling you that this is just ONE of the facts that I began to look in to. Then I began to discover there were more. Let me have the bag there. I want to show you some documents I got from the United States Archives, from the United States of America Archives in Washington, DC, sealed with the seal of the Untied States, they're sealed with ribbons here, here's one of them. These are reports- again, if there is anything fake about theses documents, you just stop me, put me out of business, this is a public statement, if this is phony you just prove it and I'll fold up and quit. In fact, I'll work for the Jewish War Veterans. [Laughter] I'll put on a Star of David, if this is phony. Here we have a report, remember, I will send you a printed copy if you wish so you can check to see if this is on the level, it's gotten from the United States government, it would be forgery to fake it, and here is a report form the intelligence section of the United States Army, to the United States Army and the President of the United States, during the Russian Revolution, about the nature of the Russian Government. This is a table made up in 1918. The correspondent of the London Times shows that at that time there were 384 commissars in the top government of Russia, including 2 negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians and more than 300 Jews. This is the government of Russia. Now, here comes another report, in the same dossier here, he says "It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States, but the Bolshevik movement is, and has been made up since its beginning, and guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type." [mixed reaction]

That's the fact ladies and gentlemen. Now these documents, when I first saw these things, myself, I couldn't believe them, I felt 'How could I possibly not have heard this from all my history professors, from Professor Ducasse(sp?) in the philosophy department where I was a major, how come I didn't know about this?' What I first thought was somebody is pulling my leg. So I started studying the Jewish documents. I went to the San Diego Library and got the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, you must have it over here in the library. Go get it. And look up the Russian Revolution and you will find these Jews BOASTING how they put on the Russian Revolution. Who reads it? They don't assign that as a history course, this is for their boys to read so they can tell each other how good they're doing. You're not supposed to know about it. And I maintain that unless you do know it, unless you do know where Communism is coming from and you're willing to talk about it you'll never be ready to deal with it, whether you like it or not. I mean whether you like Communism or you don't like it, you ought at least to know that the Jewish people are behind it. And once you understand that, then you can deal realistically with it, whether you like it or not, one way or the other. Until you do know, until you can talk about it, you are deprived of information

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