Wednesday 1 August 2012

George Lincoln Rockwell Part 2

Geogre Lincoln Rockwell Brown University Pt 2

Now let me point something out, ladies and gentlemen, in Russia, you have freedom of speech, you can criticize anybody you want except the Communists, in China, you have freedom of speech, you can criticize anybody you want except the Communists, in Cuba, you can criticize anybody you want except Castro, in the United States of America you can criticize Irishmen, Italians, Frenchmen, people from Brown, Pembrokers, but you can't criticize Jews, and if you think you can, try it tomorrow, go out and say 'You know, I think Rockwell is right, I think these Jews are pulling something rotten on us.' Try it! You'll be called an anti-semite, you'll be subjected to terrorism- (interruption) what the kids that have invited- (continuing interruption)

You don't believe it, eh? (Mixed Chatter) I have spoken all over the country now for years, no difficulties at all, this is the first time when I have ever spoken where I have been treated so dishonorably, and the pressure comes from the Jewish War Veterans, all these jewish groups, who NEVER complain about the Communists! I had to come up here at my expense, no fee, and I had to pay to come here and talk here at Brown University because, first of all, my invitations were canceled by the college, and then, when a brave bunch of kids invited me again, they were subjected to every kind of pressure in the world. A good example is right here where you're sitting. I told them, every time I speak at a college I draw the biggest crowds of every speaker they've ever had, except possibly the president or somebody like that. Get a big hall. So what do they give me? Alumni Hall, and then they only let you have a few and then they charge you $700 for police protection. And then you tell me that there is not some pressure? Why hasn't this happened to the Communists? If these jews are not committing pressure to prevent you from hearing this, how come this all happens right here, right now, tonight, in front of your eyes? What's going on? I maintain there is nobody that has the right to tell you what you can hear and what you can't hear.

Now I want to show you why you are not allowed to know these facts, and how the jews go about it. They don't burn books. They're much more clever than to burn them. They have a much better technique and we have a letter here that they sent out which will show you what their technique is, which is much viler than burning books. This is from the Anti Defamation League of B'nai Brith, to publishers all over America, again, send for this document, anybody who wants to challenge me, just send for it and I'll send you a copy of our original Photostat, you send for it and you read it for yourself. I'm going to read you some excerpts and show you how these jews operate so YOU can't find out what's going on. Listen to this: "Scribners and Sons has just published a book by Madison Grant entitled The Conquest of a Continent. It is extremely antagonistic to Jewish interests. Emphasized throughout is the Nordic Superiority theory and the utter negation of any melting pot philosophy in regard to America." The book, by the way, at no time criticizes jews, it simply says that the White man is a master race that created America. The jews don't want you to read about that or hear that. Now, listen to what they do about it, now think, I'm going to read about six words in the next sentence or seven words, you think what these words mean, and what they've done. Here's the beginning of the third paragraph, "We are interested in stifling the sale of this book." And they have. You can't get it. You can't buy it. They don't burn it, because then you'd know about it. They just quietly use their business genius, and I am not about to deny that they're business geniuses, they can rise to the top of almost any business, they get control, and they can simply say to booksellers 'if you sell any book that we don't like, you won't get any more books.' You can't buy books that they don't like. And I maintain that strongly. I told you, if I've written a book, maybe it's the worst book in the world, but don't you think that you should be able to decide that for yourself?

Do you think that the Jewish War Veterans and the Anti Defamation League should be able to get together and say 'You will not read Rockwell's book, you won't hear him speak. If he does speak, he'll speak in a small hall. We'll cut off his money, we'll do anything to shut him up.' Well, I don't think you're so stupid that you can't judge, and you have to have a bunch of Jewish War Veterans tell you what you're gonna like and what you're not gonna like. This is what the whole thrust of my speech is, is that you are not only being denied information, but you are being TOLD what you will like and what you will not like, and, in case you rebel, in case you say 'oh, well, I won't go along with that,' they use plain old fashioned terrorism. If anybody thinks that they don't, try doing what I'm doing, do it yourself, get up and give a so-called anti-semetic speech, start talking about Churchill's paper out here on campus and unless you're very well organized and you've got proof, you'll find yourself with a bloody nose. [light laughter] I'm telling the truth, you simply have got to fight. These Jewish War Veterans will attack you. They have attacked me physically. [laughter] I'm not afraid of them, I'd be glad to walk out any place where they are, but they don't argue with you, they won't deny what you say, they just say 'we're gonna shut you up.' Now I don't think that's American. These people claim they're American. They don't want to shut up Communists, they want to shut up anti-Communists. And if that doesn't tell what they're doing, then I don't know what I have to show for proof.

I'd like to show one more document here. This ones a hard one to get. This one's about by the American Jewish Committee, put out in secret, says not for publication. And they sent it all around to the editors and publishers of America, again, if you don't believe me, you're welcome to get a copy of this charming jewish document. It's called 'Bigot Seeking Buildup: The Newest Techniques of George Lincoln Rockwell.' And it's eight long pages, my fellow Brown and Pembroke students here, eight long pages on how to be sure that you never hear a word that I have to say. It says never argue with Rockwell, never refute his facts, just point out what a rat he is. That's the substance of this whole book. Just keep calling him a rat. A louse. Sick. Anything you can. Call him names, argumenum ad homonum, never argue his facts. Because they can't. They have no facts to argue. They just simply abuse me, and attack me physically, which is not argument, they have no facts to go on. (Someone yells from crowd) You can holler all you want. Everywhere people are getting fed up with what's called minority pressure. People are fed up with it. This is supposed to be a MAJORITY government, not a government by a bunch of minorities who say 'if you don't go the way we do we're going to urinate in the streets, we're gonna have demonstrations over here,' this government is supposed to go the way the majority wants it to go. But it ain't. This government goes the way the minority that's the loudest and the brassiest says it must go, and you know who that loud and brassy minority is. They get their way, and they've got to the point where- how many of you have the nerve anymore to come out and say an Italian, or a Frenchman, or an Irishman, how many have the nerve to just say the word 'jew'? When I was in college right here we used to say 'a nice jewish boy.' You never just say a jew. Your scared. You don't maybe realize it down deeply, but they've got us scared to death. And that's one of the reasons (heckling)

Now any of you that think that you haven't just try criticizing them. Just try when you leave here, just as an experiment, whether you believe it or not, pick out the nearest jew and say 'You know, I think Rockwell is right, I think he's got something there,' you see what happens to you. [light laughter] If you're a professor here, get up in your classroom tomorrow and say 'I think Rockwell is right,' and see how long you're teaching at Brown University. This oughta show you something. This is supposed to be a free college, there are a lot of colleges in the country where people say 'I'm a Communist, let's send blood to the Viet Cong,' and if they try to fire him, the student go out and kidnap the dean, tear up the school and so forth, why couldn't a professor here be a Nazi? You just try it.

This has resulted, ladies and gentlemen, this climate of terrorism against an idea, any idea against- the fact that there is not equality among the races, or any information about the jews is banned. If you mention anything about the races not being equal, or that the jews might be mixed up in Communism, or behind race mixing, if you talk about any of those things, you are silenced and shut up. And I don't think that's right. Maybe I'm wrong. I fully recognize that I could be wrong. But the way to show me that I'm wrong and get me to quit isn't to beat me over the head. Nobody will ever get me to quit.by beating on me. Nobody will ever get me to quit by hollering 'rat', like this man did. No matter what you call me, as long as I think I'm right in my heart I'm going to preach it. But not one of these people that yelled, not one of them, has ever got the guts to stand up in public and debate me, and say 'no, your facts are wrong, Mr. Rockwell. Here is the truth,' never. In six years of speaking at colleges will one of these people do it. They say they will. I've had them come up on stage and shake my hand, they're gonna debate next week, and when the next week comes they're gone, they're on a vacation. You can't find 'em.

These people have no argument to stand by. They have no facts. I do. And I'm gonna believe them. As long as I have the documents; bagfuls, boxfuls, libraries full of them, I'm going to believe the facts and not somebody screaming at me or trying to punch me in the nose.

This has resulted, ladies and gentlemen, this depravation you are suffering of, the lack of news, the lack of the facts, has resulted in what they call liberalism. I don't blame you a bit, given the facts that your told, the only difference between negroes and White people is that the negro is a White man with dark skin. If that's the truth, then we have no business discriminating one bit. We should marry them, we should mix with them, there should absolutely be no discrimination. If there is a difference other than the color of skin, then we ought to discuss it. But that you can't do. The minute you try to point out that there are differences, psychological differences, other than the color of their skin, then you're in trouble. You're a racist. You're a Nazi. You're a fascist. You're a hater. A bigot. All of these are names. Nobody discusses the facts. There's plenty of facts to prove exactly what the negroes are. I'm not going to go over them tonight, I'll be glad to debate that subject, too, formally, at any time anyone wants to set one up. Nobody will. They simply use name-calling. The result is this liberalism is spread throughout our country, as I said, I don't blame those who believe it, because the facts give you no choice. If the facts are as they say they are, the jews are wonderful, the negroes are even better, then we oughta mix, the jews oughta run the country, and we oughta just fold up, us White Christians, we got no business trying to run our country. We're too stupid. But that isn't the fact.And what's happened, ladies and gentlemen, is that the Roman Empire perished from senility, from old age. It decayed. It went rotten. America is not an old country. But it is decaying. It's getting rotten. And right with me, here in Providence, I have one of the Viet Cong flags that I tore down with my own hands, and I went to jail for doing it. The Communist traitor that was parading in front of our White House went on parading and I went to jail.

Did you know that, ladies and gentlemen, when I was a student here at Brown University, right after that when we got in to World War II, if anybody had paraded around with a Jap flag or a Nazi flag, I would have strangled them, and so would have every student at Brown, and the cops would have helped us. Today, people parade around with the flag of the enemy that's killing American boys, might kill some of you kids sitting out here right now. And nobody will do anything. I try to get the VFW to go down and do something, the American Legion, the John Birch Society, ANYBODY, go down and help us stop this treason, they won't do it. Instead the American Legion passed a resolution saying that I'm mixed up with the Communists. And the Jewish War Veterans try to get me shut up. Treason is going on in our country, right in front of us, and nobody even gets indignant. Nobody cares anymore. But that's the least of it. Remember what Kruschev said? They asked him how come he thought he was going to take over the United States by 1972, he says 'you're all to liberal to fight'. Americans have become to liberal to fight and it's true. Americans just sit around and watch ANYTHING happen, absolutely anything goes, and nobody will do anything about it.

And this is why I so much admire the Open Mind Committee, they just told me here that they got a little bit put out when they saw these Communists speaking and I couldn't speak, they didn't agree with me but they'd form a committee to give me the right to speak. And that's the kind of thing I did, that's why I became a Nazi. Because I got sick and tired of seeing people pushed and nobody doing anything about it. Everybody's whispering 'well, you know what the jews did now?' I was a conservative for years and everybody would whisper about the Eskimos and what all those people did and so forth. Well I think that's hypocrisy and cowardice. If you are a conservative and you know what the jews are doing you ought to tell people and discuss it in the open and not sneak around behind anybodys back about it. So I did something about it, and I'm trying to form a movement to create the vigor and the strength to stop the decay and the rot that is happening in America.

Now, the reason America is decaying and is getting rotten isn't because we're old, it isn't because we're senile, either. It is because we are being purposely rotted. The soul of America is being rotted out by germs. At every point that you want to look, you will find it being consciously and purposely turned rotten.

Let me take a few examples. Let's take art and culture. I majored in philosophy and I won first prize in the United States in 1948 for commercial art for a full page ad in the New York Times for the American Cancer Society, so I know something about what I'm talking about in art. And when I was studying art, they tried to get me to draw this crazy stuff, screwball paintings and so forth, and I just couldn't see it. It looked crazy to me. And it looked crazy to the other people but they just wouldn't admit it. I just sat this is screwy. I wouldn't do it. So I did good art and won first prize

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