This has nothing to do with Muslim prayer, it is all about Islamic supremacism and Muslim parasites wanting to show their British and European welfare benefactors that Muslims are above Western ‘man-made’ laws and need only answer to Allah.
Now that France has banned public asslifting in the streets, all Western countries should do the same. You can sure, however, that the current UK dhimmis leading the government will not be among them.
London’t Metropolitan Police are forced to stand around twiddling their thumbs while Muslims block traffic
Riposte Laique In these photos you can see hundreds of Muslims praying illegally on the streets, the sidewalks, and on the road to an Islamic center. These pictures are further evidence of the Muslim invasion suffered by all Western countries, and the resignation of the authorities to this invasion.
When Western leaders so they decide to fight against the massive Islamization of our countries? How long will they continue to betray the people who elected them, and refuse to defend them?
The sight of hundreds praying in Northampton Square – which is lined with million-pound townhouses – has now become a familiar sight every Friday lunchtime to mark the Islamic holy day
And how long will the Western peoples put up with being betrayed by their leaders, and to see their country disfigured by Islam? For this we can be sure is that if nothing is done quickly against the Muslim invasion, the people of Europe will revolt in a civil war that will hold their leaders accountable for tyring to turn their nations into Islamic fascist states.
British Universities are hotbeds of Islamic fundamentalism as can be seen by this display of supremacism at Muslim prayer time (up to 5 times per day)
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