There’s a big deal now going on about some hidden video made of Mitt Romney addressing rich contributors. He’s telling them 47% don’t pay income taxes and Obama already has them in the bag since they depend so much on government (the commie Jew Frankfurt school agenda). Naturally, the libtards are now going off on Romney’s remarks, but the media is being careful because of the obvious race angle. Earlier today, FOX’s Blond Goyim Babe (BGB), Megan Kelly, pretended to be so worried people might think Romney meant wheel-chair bound vets. Right. What a goofball. Cute goofball, sure.
Romney is merely stating reality about the parasite classes now infesting this country – not honorable disabled vets. For all intents and purposes, virtually all blacks will vote for Obama, just because he’s black. The media will never tell you that outright. They don’t want Whites to put two-and-two together and realize blacks are totally racist. Hell, it’s only us “ebil crackas” who can be called racist in today’s topsey-turvy Jewmerika.
Romney also said the Palestinians didn’t want peace. Pure Neocon Jew BS there. Very possibly his audience were rich Jew creeps like Sheldon Adelson (right), who gave Newt Gingrich’s campaign 20 million and promised another 100 million to the republican party, all to dethrone Obama (he thinks Obama hasn’t been subservient enough). These stinking rich Jew rats now throw money anywhere they please to these days, openly manipulating this land for that lousy country of Israel — where the traitor’s true loyalty lies.
When I heard Mitt Romney selected Paul Ryan as his VP running mate, I said, oh great, now I got to vote for the two. Not really. Don’t get me wrong here, I do think Ryan means well economically. Then I heard Ryan has Led Zeppelin on his IPOD. Woooah. Now that seals the deal for me!
I’ve always loved Led Zep. I used to play “The Song Remains The Same” (the first track from 1972′s “Houses of the Holy”) full blast on my Walkman (ancient man-portable music device), so the tune would loop in my head while shredding juicy waves or snow skiing mogul fields. Yeah, just like Ryan I guess, that song is on my Apple IPOD now.
Alysa Rosenbaum, AKA Ayn Rand, Russian Jewess intellectual. She’s looking a bit nervous while attending a hearing of the House Un-American Committee; which tried to root out commie rats in DC and Hollywood — most of whom turned out to be Jews like her.
Then I saw Ryan also likes Ayn Rand’s book “Atlas Shrugged” (real Jewess name: Alysa Rosenbaum), but qualified it by saying he’s against her commie leanings, only liking her no-holds-barred, “laissez faire” capitalism. Just what Globalist Jewry so loves — NWO police state communism for all us Goyim plebs out here, blood diamond style capitalism for them.
Oh, they’ll tell you Rand got purged from the University of Petrograd for being “bourgeois,” but by then, Stalin’s Jewish secret police were gone and Russia had more than enough of stinking Jew meddling. The good times were over.
Paul Ryan is merely trying to come across as libertarian; so easy to get away with since so few Americans even know who Ayn Rand is, much less a Jew, or anything about the multitudes of Jewish “ISM” conflicts, wierd personal/political angsts, never-ending money gambits and scams of all kinds. Oh, he knows about it, alright, but he’ll never breathe a word if he wants to stay in politics.
Years ago, I tried to read “Atlas Shrugged.” I think I got halfway through. I get irked when I can’t finish a book. I had the same halfway problem with Norman Mailer’s (another Jewish writer) “The Executioner’s Song.” I tried twice on that and failed both times. There’s only so much Jew BS a brain can suffer.
Enough about me. What you got to see is that both Romney and Obama are fully controlled by the Zionists. Didn’t Obama just diss Israel’s Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, by not having dinner or lunch with him, or whatever it was this time? Please, you think any of that makes one damn bit of difference? Get real, bozo.
Romney with Pam Geller of “Atlas Shrugs” website, paid Israeli whore and conduit of Zionist psyops propaganda on patriotic, but gullible Americans. God, I hate this traitorous bitch. Folks, these stinking Jews are going to win on November 4th no matter what. They’ve got this country in a fierce headlock and are not going to let go until we pry their cold, dead hands off.
If Barry Soetoro is so “anti-Israel,” there’s tons of serious stuff he could do to send a message, besides not chowing down on some Kosher crap with that shoe salesman, Bibi Netanyahu. Hell, Obama could truthfully say publicly that Israel had the Big One and the Israelis would scream bloody murder (behind the scenes, as much as possible). The ISRAEL-FIRSTER hasbaRAT Jews out here would have a fit, too.
The traitorous Jew-owned media would, once again, remain mum. They wouldn’t say anything unless given the green light from upstairs. That in itself is part of the game. Obama would now know the bigger Jews were upset, just because someone like Dianne Sawyer of ABC felt free to report on him saying something everyone has long already known in the DC environs. Hell, they might suddenly “discover” the Birthers were right all along.
Public stuff is always manipulated for consumption by the unthinking masses. Believe me, people like Obama think things out, and walk along some carefully plotted lines. In a way, I feel for the skinny mulatto.
One recent example: Did you see that business about the democrats at the convention adding back into the party plank at the last minute, words about God and Jerusalem being the capital of Israel? Trust me: The big deal over God was merely a smokescreen to allow them to assuage the Zionists over Jerusalem (the Jews have been slowly clearing Palestinians from the place). The forced acceptance by a ridiculously rigged ”floor vote” on both measures at the same time, confused the issue among Christian-Zionists, atheists and the anti-war crowd. Obvious trick.
Neither one of these candidates would dare to piss off the Chosen Ones. Now, that’s not to say they won’t drag their feet a little when the radical Zionists want us to go to war. In fact, that’s just what you’re seeing right now. Everybody and his brother knows that war with Iran is going to be a unmitigated disaster for the USA’s economy, if not something even much worse, like WWIII.
Romney is kissing so much serious Jew ass these days, it’s become quite sickening. I’m surprised his nose is not brown. But I guess they have highly paid makeup people to deal with it.
The way Romney sounds, he’ll start a war with Iran on January 20th. Also, his chief advisor is a big Jew Neocon named Dan Senor, married to CNN’s ratings failure anchor Campell Brown (who converted to Judaism — isn’t that sweet?). But Obama also has his own Jew handler, David Axelrod, and plenty of other Jews are running things everywhere else in DC, too. The Zionist Jews have total backroom power controlling both parties. It’s only a matter of when, not if, we have ourselves another full-blown commie Jew police state. Figure it out, America!
Nevertheless, the Goyim “conservative” crowd think Obama is anti-Israel (see FOX’s subtitles in the Senor Jew shot). That’s the first thing out of their mouths when you bring up any of this. Amazing the power of media induced MEMES – designed expressly to keep Americans confined to our own special mental Gulags of one party or the other. Pay careful attention, read between the lines a little and you’ll see this all the time — everywhere.
So, who is the INCOG MAN going to vote for? Should I vote for Obama because he’s a White guy and I hate Obama because he openly identifies as a black (but is half White, remember)? Or should I vote for Obama to hasten the downfall of this hypocrite Jew situation and hopefully awaken more White Americans to the real deal?
Guess what? Doesn’t mean a GD thing who I vote for, really. Hell, some old Negro wino downtown is going to cancel out my vote, anyway. And besides, they’ll jury-rig the results in some swing state like Florida to keep that skinny mulatto Obama in. Just watch.
We may in fact never, ever see a White man in the oval office again. Sorry to break it to you people new to all this. Folks, to put a stop to these stinking Jews, we’re going to have to start talking about a civil war — no doubt about it, anymore.
– Phillip Marlowe
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