Myles Williams, 19, broke into Kirsty Treloar’s family home and stabbed her dozens of times after she told him she did not want to see him. The negro knifed his victim’s sister and brother as they tried in vain to protect their 20-year-old sibling at the house in Hackney, east London, before dragging Kirsty Treloar into his car and driving away.
A court heard how Williams pulled up when he came across a friend a short distance away and told him: ‘I just stabbed my girl and she ain’t breathing,’ before casually smoking a cigarette.
He then dumped Kirsty Treloar’s body behind some wheelie bins, abandoned his car and fled. Mere hours before the attack, Williams had sent Kirsty Treloar – who had given birth to their daughter weeks earlier – a text message to tell her his new year’s resolution was not to hit her again. Williams is facing a life sentence after being found guilty of murdering the trainee nursery nurse following a trial at the Old Bailey.
The jury was told how the negro sent a text to Miss Treloar on New Year’s day which read: ‘Okay wer all gud now and my new yrs ressy is that i aint going to hit u again and i won’t hit u 4 this yr next yr the yr after that the next yr after that.’
Crispin Aylett QC, prosecuting, said of the message: ‘This can only be described as a conditional new year’s resolution. It ended the following morning.’ Miss Treloar – who had tried ‘many times’ to cut all ties with abusive Williams – replied to his text at 6.30am on the morning of January 2 and told him she did not want to see him.
The negro then forced his way into her east London home and launched himself at Treloar, who was holding their baby daughter. After hitting his ex-girlfriend several times Williams launched a frenzied knife attack, stabbing Miss Treloar 29 times and wounding her sister Gemma, 24, and brother Dean, 23, as they tried desperately to intervene.
The court heard how Gemma Treloar was stabbed in the arm as she pleaded with Williams not to take her sister – described by the Sheffield University student as ‘one of life’s beautiful people’. When Dean Treloar tried to defend his sisters Williams stabbed him three times in the chest.
Williams then dragged his wounded ex-girlfriend to his car, drove a distance of two miles, then stopped to speak to a friend and buy cigarettes. The pair stood next to the car smoking before Williams dumped the young mother’s body and fled.
Have you ever heard the phrase "Once you go black, you never go back..."? LOL.
Here we have another white woman who has lost her life by going with a Black man, this is not an isolated case either, this has happened many times in Great Britain and America and i'm sure other countries as well. White girls have been stabbed to death by their Muslim boyfriends and White girls have been stabbed to death by their black boyfriends.
Blacks are well known for knife crime, yet some white girls are drawn to them, first they will be hit, then they will be beaten, and in most cases the women will want to get away from them, but by then it's to late, because like the story here, the boy friends will not take no for an answer, and if they can't have them, then no one will, and the boyfriends kill them.
Everywhere you look either on the TV in adverts or TV programmes you see Black men with with White women, they are lying together in the bed adverts or they are snuggled up on the sofa, they are trying to brainwash the public in to believing that race mixing is the way to go and there is no harm in it, there is plenty harm in it.
The powers that be are doing all they can to make people race mix, the young girls are fed this crap from an early age starting in the schools and then the TV, the white race is fading away very fast with the alarming amount of Muslims that are taking over and making the white race a minority and then there are the children who come from a race mixed marriage with the children being half cast who are neither black or white just somewhere in between, within the next 50 years there will be hardly any white people left, and the governments will have achieved their goal.
But for any white women to race mix is on very dangerous ground. Blacks come from a very different culture, and any White women who goes with a black man could end up dead like the girl in this story.
Stay away from race mixing and be with your own race and have beautiful WHITE children.
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