As if the current circumstances of austerity-riven Greece were not bad enough already, it seems the country is set to open a dozen or so, as the left likes to call them, ‘concentration camps’ designed to house the Muslim invaders who have brought nothing but crime, filth, and relentless demands to the citizens of Greece. These establishments will be known as ‘closed-hospitality’ centers.
All photos are of Muslim riots in Greece

Intel Hub The incarcerates will be undocumented – meaning unwanted – Muslim refugees flooding in from North Africa, particularly the once prosperous and richest country in the Maghreb belt, namely Libya.
Most of the Mediterranean countries are in the thick of the refugee tide, but Greece is so far the only country that plans to compulsorily pen them up. The first ‘reception center’ is scheduled to open at a former army base near Athens in the next few weeks.
There is no doubting that Greece is in the forefront of the refugee wave emanating from the Middle East, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.
Greek officials maintain the pretense that unwanted guests arriving in droves are almost entirely responsible for the wave of crime sweeping the capital. “On the basis of arrests and investigations we believe that up to 70% of violent crime is perpetrated by foreigners and I say this without wishing to demonize migrants,” said police spokesman Thanassis Kouklakis.
RMI Global Nearly a million people flocked to a party that the mainstream dubbed NAZI in the extreme for spotting the elephant in the room. Golden Dawn isn’t your run-of-the-mill ethnocentric radical element. For a country of roughly ten million Greeks, the recent flood of economic migrants rightly feels like a planned invasion and some have elected to forego multi-culturalism pushing politicians for those who promise to enforce the Law, which is concretely contradicted by dictatorial EU Edicts and nigh impossible to circumvent on claims of sovereignty.
Even though none of the parties in the May 6th election garnered enough votes to form a coalition, forcing new elections to be held perhaps in June, Golden Dawn, Greece’s most-recognized populist political party has the establishment shaking in their shoes, having taken only a 0.29% share of the vote in the 2009 election, but garnered 7% of the overall vote in 2012. Their fast-rising popularity due to a strong patriotic message along with crippling economic woes and massive illegal immigration, has seen the party that was only a grass roots nationalist movement with explode in support.
The roughly two million illegal aliens that entered Greece over the past two decades, mostly in the last five years, are portrayed by the media as innocent refugees, although Greece’s crime rate, once one of the lowest in the world, has skyrocketed in recent years exclusively due to illegal immigration. Golden Dawn’s support of the victimized Greeks and their insistence that the borders be closed and illegals deported has been portrayed as fascist and cruel by the mainstream media even as Greece’s 22% unemployment rate is twice the Eurozone average and bare survival is becoming impossible for Greeks. In fact, Golden Dawn alone has provided food and assistance to the neediest Greeks, completely at their own expense.
Although the preferred strategy by the media had been to completely ignore them, their popularity is growing so rapidly that the current plan is to constantly defame and slander them in order to scare the masses from joining their ranks. As is done throughout Europe and the West in general, nationalist groups are routinely portrayed as fascists, Nazis and hooligans.
Even though Golden Dawn’s policies strictly prohibit violence and seek only political solutions to these problems, they are consistently portrayed as violent thugs and are routinely provoked into situations of self-defense by agents provocateurs in order to incriminate them as Nazi thugs in the mainstream media.
Not only are the Greek media and rival political parties pursuing this mudslinging, but as Golden Dawn’s popularity is surging, the international media is joining in this smear. Recently, both The New York Times and Bloomberg News have written derogatory articles about them with constant references to Hitler and “goose-stepping Nazis.” Their ancient Greek symbol of the meander design has been called a “disentangled swastika” by Bloomberg. The leader of Golden Dawn, Nikos Michaloliakos has been accused of being a Nazi for giving a raised arm salute in the Athenian Council in protest to being called a fascist by an adversary. That image has been played over and over again in the mainstream media.
“Only a detached leftist academic would think that in a time of economic depression, mass immigration of mostly unassimilable and often culturally hostile foreigners would help the working class rather than harm it. Only a deluded leftist ideologue or a media-brainwashed useful idiot would keep scratching their head at the persistently stubborn resurgence of nationalism without pausing to ponder that perhaps tribalism is an ineradicable human instinct rather than a sinister psychological aberration.” Jim Goad
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