Emma West was arrested for speaking out on a London bus about immigration, she said that it's not her country anymore and she asked the various immigrants on that bus where they were from, for this she was arested and locked up not long before Christmas, she was let out on Christmas Eve and spent Christmas with her family knowing she was about to be dragged back to court to face racism charges with a chance of going to prison.
Emma's case has just been adjourned till a later date with a possible jail sentence which is absolutly ridiculas. Freedom of speech has been taken away from the British people just like everything else which we are loosing. Our country is being taken away from us and given to the immigrants and when i say immigrants i mean Muslims more than anything. The Muslims want to ban Christmas. Easter. Birthdays. Valentines day and Anniversarys there are lots more to add.
And the law now states that only white people can be racist and that's why Emma West was arrested, it's nothing but a trumped up charge and we need the British people to get behind Emma and let her know that she's not on her own.
The next time you go to vote, just remember what is happening to our once great country and vote for the National Front. The National Front will reverse our terrible situation and take back our country and all immigrants will be made to leave.
Here is the Video with Richard Edmonds giving an up date about Emmas case.
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