Muslim countries are been advised that they should boycott the 2012 London Olympic, as the London Olympics organising committee have banned halal food that has been processed to the true Islamic method, they have said that prophet's way is too barbaric and they only method of halal and kosher that will be allowed in to the Olympic village which is to be served to the Muslim Athlete's must first be pre stunned and in the case of Poultry it must also be machine slaughter, this was announced in the media 07 December 2009 "The Red Tractor is going for gold at the 2012 Olympics, giving the British cattle, sheep and pig farmers a great shop window to show off top quality meat".
The London Olympics organising committee has announced the Red Tractor will be the base standard for all food served at both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. EBLEX, the strategic body for beef and lamb and BPEX, the body for pork are both delighted at the announcement. BPEX Head of Marketing Chris Lamb said: "This is an exciting opportunity for pig producers to show the quality of their pork, bacon and ham to the world.
"Both BPEX and EBLEX were represented in the process by BPEX Foodservice Trade Sector Manager Tony Goodger who worked very hard to achieve this result. "EBLEX Director Nick Allen said: "We are delighted at this news which again demonstrates the value of farm assurance schemes and is an encouragement to producers to get involved.
"The decision guarantees that quality lamb and beef will be served at the 2012 Olympics, putting domestic producers on the world stage."
The halal meat and poultry that has been approved by the Olympic and Paralympic Games committee for the 2012 London Olympic village for the Muslim athlete's must be part of Red Tractor Assurance Meat Processing Scheme ( RTA MP ).
Rules and procedures for Red Tractor�The scheme manual, in line with the other RTA schemes, now has clear, documented rules and procedures that members of the scheme are expected to adhere to.
They cover: ? Application process and annual renewal of certification.
? Requirements related to the audit and rectification of non conformances.
? Clear definition of �assured� products and additional �Red Tractor� eligible criteria including country of origin (British) and Red Tractor licensing requirements.
? Clear requirements that products from livestock which are not pre-stunned at slaughter cannot be described as �assured� and are not eligible for the Red Tractor Logo.
(The scheme rules have changed to allow members to handle non-assured products and undertake non assured processes (such as non pre-stunning).
However this is only permitted provided the certification body is aware of such activity and the member has demonstrated compliance to the revised scheme standards including segregation and traceability of non-assured products from assured products. This instruction was issued to all Red Tractor Assurance for Meat Processing Scheme Members on 16th February 2012, One Assurance Members who was able to offer ritual halal slaughtered was told by Red Tractor that he would lose his Red Tractor certification if he participated and provided ritual slaughtered meat.
The London Olympics and Paralympic Games organising committee have decided what is halal for the Muslim Athlete's who are attending the Games, and the Muslim Athlete's have been told what method of Halal they can eat in the Olympic Village and what method they can't, so for that reason we urge all the Muslim countries who are participating in these Game to either Boycott the games totally or bring their own food in to the country or face the consequence of eating Haram meat and poultry that is been provided by London Olympics and Paralympic Games organising committee.
Mohammed Saleem Policy Director ANSA (Association of Non-Abattoirs) said: "I will be contacting Mayor of London Boris Johnson why this the purest form of discrimination and racism openly allowed in the most diverse community and city in Europe? and why the Muslims attending the event from all over the world will be short changed just because of their Core Beliefs?
We know Olympic Games, have always been a beacon for celebrating the great diversity and equality which is claimed to be reflected through participation regardless of race and creed.
The Olympic village London�s sporting extravaganza will not cater halal according to sources as Red Tractor the seal of assurance refuses to recognise the �The prophetic method of Zibhia� for Halal.
"ANSA is truly dismayed at the planning by LOCOG who may have been ill advised, only recently a senior member of the UK government accused Saudi Arabia of breaching the Olympic Charter's pledge and the spirit of the Olympic Games by refusing to bring a female team to compete in the 2012 London Olympic Games.
Tessa Jowell, the former culture secretary and Olympics minister, and now a member of the Olympic Board urged the conservative Gulf state to review its attitude towards women and sport.
"[Saudi Arabia is] clearly breaking the spirit of the Olympic Charter�s pledge to equality". And what kind of message will this be sending to our Middle East allies, Muslims and the Jewish community� when the recent halal conference in Riyadh endorsed the Prophetic method of Zibhia, for the gulf states its that seems that the London Olympics and Paralympic Games organising committee are in breach of their own Olympic Charter's pledge said Mohammed Saleem
Meat Trade News Daily Supporting British Pig Farmers

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